Monday, March 1, 2010

May Reading Sessions and Educational Enrichment

Reading Sessions: A Book Club for K-3
Tuesdays: 3:00 - 4:00
Each session will include a discussion and reading comprehension activity/craft.
Cost: $40 for 4 sessions
Educational Enrichment participants may attend at no cost.

Book: The Magic Tree House: Vacation Under the Volcano
May 4th: Discuss through page 20
May 11th: Discuss through page 40
May 18th: Discuss through page 53
May 25th: Discuss through page 74

Educational Enrichment
Topic: Volcanoes

The pressure is building! It's going to blow! The volcano is erupting, OH NO! We will learn how a volcano grows and what makes it erupt. We will learn about the different types of eruptions as well as the different types of lava flows. We will explore the benefits of an eruption and discover where volcanoes are located.

Wednesdays: 3:00 - 4:30
May 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th
Cost: $45 per 1.5 hour session OR pay in full: $150 for all 4 sessions (save $30)

To sign up call 386-409-2277 or


  1. Can't wait to hear how the reading group goes! Mary (in pre-k) loves the Magic Treehouse books - I get them on CD and we listen together in the car.

  2. Great Idea!! I've never seen them on CD....just DVD.
